By exercising some patience and utilizing the appropriate tools alongside this extensive manual, it is possible for you to undertake the installation of your own pedestal sink and ultimately keep your costs low.

A pedestal sink can add a touch of elegance and style to your bathroom. However, the cost of hiring an experienced plumber to install it can be prohibitive for many homeowners. But what if you could do it yourself? With a bit of patience, the right tools, and this comprehensive guide, you can install your own pedestal sink and save money in the process.

Understand What a Pedestal Sink Is

Unfamiliar with a pedestal sink? Let’s clarify! This type of sink is a bathroom fixture that combines practicality with aesthetics. Rather than being housed in a vanity or countertop, a pedestal sink is affixed directly to your bathroom wall and is supported by a freestanding base or “pedestal”. Its streamlined design is favored in more compact spaces, effectively maximizing room without sacrificing functionality or style.

Pedestal sinks come in a broad array of styles, sizes, and materials to cater to different tastes and needs. Whether you’re aiming for a sleek, modern look with stainless steel, or a classic, vintage vibe with ceramic, you’ll surely find a pedestal sink that fits your bathroom’s overall aesthetic.

Remember, choosing a pedestal sink isn’t just about design—it’s also about convenience and functionality. As such, consider factors such as size, ease of cleaning, and available space when deciding on the right pedestal sink for your home. While they are generally more compact than traditional sinks, their dimensions can still vary significantly, and the size of the sink you choose will influence the installation process.

This understanding of what a pedestal sink is will help guide your decisions throughout the installation process, from selection to positioning to actual mounting. As you familiarize yourself with your pedestal sink of choice, you’ll be better equipped to successfully complete this DIY project. Remember, knowledge is power! So arm yourself with a solid understanding of your project and get ready to roll up your sleeves.

Gathering the Necessary Tools

Before diving into the installation process, it’s essential to have all the required tools within arm’s reach. These consist of some common household items, along with a few specific tools necessary for plumbing projects. The list includes a tape measure for accurate measurements, a level to ensure everything is straight, a drill for making holes, wall anchors for stability, adjustable wrenches for tightening connections, and a pipe wrench for dealing with the plumbing.

Additionally, you’ll need plumber’s putty to seal joints, a hacksaw for any cutting needed, a bucket to catch any water during the disconnection of your old sink, and towels for any unexpected spills. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t have these tools lying around your house. Most home improvement stores offer rental services where you can borrow these tools at a cost-effective rate, making this DIY project even more budget-friendly.

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary tools, you can proceed with the confidence of having everything you need at your disposal. This preparation not only helps to prevent delays but also enables you to complete the job efficiently and effectively. Now, with all your tools in place, you’re one step closer to installing your own pedestal sink. Let’s move on to the next step: removing your old sink.

pedestal sink

Removing the Old Sink

The first active step of your pedestal sink installation is to get rid of your existing sink. To do so, start by turning off the water supply. This is usually achieved by rotating the knobs or valves located underneath the sink. Once the water supply is cut off, the next step is to detach the water supply lines and the drain pipe that are connected to your current sink.

With the aid of a pipe wrench, carefully loosen the nuts that connect the water supply lines and drain pipe to the sink. This process might result in water trickling out, so it’s a good idea to place a bucket or pan underneath the connections to catch any escaping water. With the plumbing lines disconnected, you can then focus on removing the sink itself from the wall.

Keep in mind that this process can differ slightly depending on the type of sink you’re removing. It could be as simple as unscrewing a few mounting screws, or it could involve removing caulk or adhesive. Whatever the case, proceed carefully to avoid damaging your bathroom wall. Once the sink is detached, set it aside, ensuring it won’t obstruct your workspace as you move forward with the installation of your new pedestal sink.

This stage of the process may sound intimidating, especially if you’re a novice DIYer, but remember, every journey begins with a single step. Taking your time to properly remove the old sink sets the stage for a smooth installation of your new pedestal sink. So, maintain a steady pace and keep your end goal in sight!

Preparing for Installation

The next step is getting your workspace ready for the new sink. Begin by identifying and marking the locations of the wall studs. These marks will serve as your guide for where to secure the sink.

Next, decide on the desired height for your new pedestal sink. This height will depend on your personal preference and the design of your bathroom, but most pedestal sinks are typically installed with the rim at 31 to 34 inches from the floor. Once you’ve determined the right height, make a clear mark on the wall.

Depending on the design of your pedestal sink and the existing construction of your bathroom, it may be necessary to install a 2×8 wood block between the wall studs for additional support. This isn’t always needed but can provide an extra layer of stability to ensure your new sink stays firmly in place.

Remember, the aim here is to set a strong foundation for your new pedestal sink. Proper preparation will make the rest of the installation process go smoothly and can contribute to the longevity of your sink. Now that your workspace is all set, you’re ready for the exciting part – mounting your new pedestal sink.

Mounting the Sink

Once your workspace is set up and ready, it’s time to get to the heart of the installation – fixing the sink to the wall. Start by aligning the sink basin with the wall, using the marks you made earlier. Utilize the mounting bracket or screws provided by the manufacturer, ensuring it matches up with the studs you identified. Always verify that the basin is level before finalizing its placement on the wall, as an uneven sink will lead to functionality issues down the line.

After successfully attaching the sink basin to the wall, it’s time to incorporate the pedestal. Position the pedestal under the sink basin and adjust its alignment until it fits snugly against the wall. Be mindful not to force the pedestal into position; it should naturally align with the basin and wall for an ideal fit.

Securing the sink basin and pedestal to the wall is a pivotal step in this DIY project. It’s critical to remain patient and meticulous during this stage to ensure that your pedestal sink is mounted correctly and securely. As you progress through this phase, remember that slow and steady wins the race. Your new sink will thank you for the care and precision invested in this stage of the installation process.

Installing the Faucet and Drain

The subsequent step in this DIY project is to set up the faucet and drain in the sink basin. It’s vital to adhere to the instructions provided by the manufacturer for your specific model. To initiate, apply plumber’s putty to the lower side of the drain flange. Following this, push it into the drain hole and secure the nut from below.

Next, you’re ready to attach the water supply lines to the faucet. Be sure to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this step to ensure a secure and leak-free connection. Once the supply lines are connected, proceed to link the drain pipe to the drain.

This part of the installation process requires careful attention to detail. Make sure you are methodically following each step and checking your connections. At this stage of the installation, it’s also a good idea to keep your bucket and towels close by in case of any unexpected drips or leaks.

Throughout this phase, remember that each step you complete brings you one step closer to having a fully functioning and stylish new pedestal sink in your bathroom. Now, let’s move on to the final stage of this project: reattaching the water supply lines and checking for leaks.

Final Touches

At this point, the last major task is reconnecting the water supply lines and the drain pipe to your new pedestal sink. Once you’ve made the necessary connections, it’s time to turn the water back on. Keep an eye out for any water leaks around the new connections. If everything appears secure with no sign of water leaks, then congratulations! You’ve successfully installed your new pedestal sink and it’s now ready for use.

Remember that undertaking a DIY project like this is not only about saving money, but it’s also about taking pride in the work you’ve accomplished. The satisfaction of knowing you installed your pedestal sink yourself is a feeling that money can’t buy.

However, remember that it’s always okay to reach out to a professional if at any point during the project you feel out of your depth. In the world of DIY, knowing your limits and when to seek help is a valuable part of the process.


Take a moment to admire your hard work and enjoy the new addition to your bathroom. Now, whenever you use your new sink, you’ll not only appreciate its style and functionality but also the effort and skill you put into its installation. Great job on successfully completing this budget-friendly DIY project!

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